Friday, March 10, 2006

My fish tank is filled with beer. I grew everything in it. All my fish are alcoholics. In my fish tank is a very large yabby, Brutus is his name. He is very old, his mind is going. When at rest he likes to pass imaginary bits of food along his legs and into his mouth. Over, and over again he puts make believe snacks into his overly complicated mouth parts. I think he is dreaming of foods complemented by beer. Salami, crusty bread, various cheeses, even chocolate.

Somtimes there are bar fights. They are reputed to be some of the ugliest bar fights in the aquariam world. I once whitnesed a horrendous brawl in which the vanquished suffered no less than two severed limbs. Most often I am party to bouts of liplocking, followed up with a jolly good scale pecking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooo, scale pecking is the worst! It takes soooo long to get your scales back to normal afterwards!