Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Once a wombat moved into my best friends dog house. His dog then had to sleep outside. When finally after much pleading and a bribe or two, the wombat left the dog house..... Six days and several hours later a very large volume of water washed the dog house into his home. On wadeing outside several live fish flopping about and one drowned wombat were observed on the driveway. Asunder the dam feeding water to his hop garden could be seen spurting from it's walls. The once live wombat haveing been evicted from the dog house, sought vengence by burrowing into the dam walls, thus venting the contents suddenly appon my friends home whilst causeing the wombat to commit suicide. He has since built a second dog house for future wombats.... Karma


Anonymous said...

well fancy that

Anonymous said...

Wombats ain't as silly as they look...
Once upon a time, when I was at Wilsons' Prom, I watched in horror as a school boy (no doubt on an excursion from a city school), threw rocks and sticks at an innocent wombat, that was minding it's own business, eating grass. The kid laughed... thought he was hilarious... then lost interest as the wombat didn't seem to react to his attack. The boy turned his back to the wombat (silly thing to do). The wombat started running towards the boy, slowly, but gradually gaining pace... The sturdy little wombat ran as fast as it's little legs could carry it... straight into the cruel school boys legs, sending the boy high into the air. Landing with a thud, the school boy started to cry... but funnily enough, no one really cared... Karma?