Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Have You Ever Done It Greek Style?

Marinated lamb shoulder with inspired Greek salad.

First up. In response to the comment left on my last post: Comments are much loved, (ta Sebby).
Now that I know how close mushrooms are to your heart. It will be my pleasure to cook them for you all the time.
But for now I must go abit Greek on y'all.
Greek civilization began thousands of years ago. Ever since, and probably well before then the greeks have cooked lamb like gods! Let me take the chance to say this: "To be a greek god you can't go all half assed at it. Ingredents must be fresh from earth and taste like heaven. Skimp on this and be banished to hell."
Ingredents: Lamb.
Shoulder of lamb. (Butterflyed).
Zest and juice of one lemmon.
5 Cloves of garlic. (Crushed).
2 Bay leaves.
Several sprigs of fresh oragano.
Salt & pepper.
Olive oil.
Ingredents: Salad.
Large handful of spinach.
Large handful of purple basil.
10 Large green olives.
6 Cherry tomatoes. (Halved).
150g Greek feta.
1 Clove of garlic. (Very finley minced).
Basic balsamic vinagrett.
Marinate the butterflyed lamb with all the listed ingredents. Marination time should be overnight at a minimum. Two or even three nights in a cold fridge is best. To cook the lamb, prepair a bed of hot coals in a webber BBQ. Once the BBQ is hot place the lamb over the coals. Try to place the thickest part of the lamb over the hotest part of the fire. Seal on boath sides for 4 minutes a peice. Move off the direct heat, roast untill done. (Use the finger method to test for doneness). As for the salad: Toss all the ingredents together.... Lovely.

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