Friday, September 22, 2006

Lamb Chop-Chop!

Smashing Spring/Summer meal this one.
This meal is at it's best when you are getting the first tomatoes of summer, and the last lamb of spring. Seasonal crossover. Plus, it is dead easy to make, and costs bugger all. Here goes:
Lamb chops. (loin, or rump).
Lemon juice.
Olive oil.
Pepper & Salt.
Slice the capsicum and arange on a plate. Do the same with the tomato, and Avocado. How you do this is up to you. Just try to make it look nice. Finely chop the parsely and sprinkle over the top. To finish squeeze some lemon juice over the top, and drizzle some very high quality olive oil and balsamic vinegar over the top. Voila.
As for the lamb. Cook it as you would cook beef on a BBQ. Use the finger method to test for doneness. Don't over cook the lamb. Nice and rare.
Place the lamb on top of the salad and serve.
Consume with either red or white, so long as it's not too robust.

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