Thursday, September 14, 2006


In the comments section in mt last posting I was asked wether I could provide a recipe for meat haters. Holey crap. I've got non meat, and vegan dishes comming out of my Kombi van. In saying that, some of the meals that I have posted can easaly be converted to herbivore format. Lamb Somosa, my last posting for example, peice of piss. Just swap the lamb with a 440g tin of chic peas.
Spag bog. Ommit the beef. simple.
Pumkin tarts. (Of Erin). Swap the bacon with red capsicum.
Baked mushroom trout. Get trout out.

Tonight however..... Before I looked at the comments I had every intention of posting a meat factor 10 meal. Seed Mustard Beef Burggers. With minted salmi and bacon potatoes. Wicked. But packed full of meat.

Inspite of all my meatyness. I feel compelled to obey the whims of the blogtastic fantastic and create a unique vegatarian meal. As such you'll have to wait untill tomorrow night.....
Hang in there. I know you can make it.... Later: B


Anonymous said...

hey ripped off big time - my comment re my vote for spag bol didn't post for some reason. By hook or by crook I'll get that spag bol receipe !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Thanks Brock! I'm looking forward to something along the lines of a "Vego Heaven Deluxe"... can you deliver?!