Friday, July 28, 2006

Life Wild

Went walking in the forest today, what do you think I saw. A black panther. Well I did see this huge hind quarters sticking out of the ferns, jet black. My ass clenched tight, but then I saw it's face. It was some sort of wallaby. All black, I bet a few people have seen them and thought they were panthers. I did... for a second.
By the way, thats Archer!


justinamaria said...

what, did you take your donkey with you? it's ARSE, not ass,
love, your wife.

Anonymous said...

hi it's not your wife but i'm sitting next to her. I believe she's upset about the constant encroachment of american spelling in our society, courtesy of msword spellcheck. A little harsh. But she still loves you. She told me. Despite your spelling. xx a

justinamaria said...

and your grammar. xxx

Anonymous said...

Your spelling and grammar are ok actually... At first I was a spelling and grammar snob... but now it's not so bad... I am getting used to it... And I have been able to understand all your creatively spelt words so far... Keep up the great work, I'm really enjoying it!