Sunday, October 19, 2008

From Super Fruit to Hyper Toffie

In this posting I'll be talking about three great but diverse beers. They have been presented in the order that they were tasted, and in order of hop-malt intencety. What we have in this selection are the two poles of beer flavor, from super fruity Germans, to hyper toffie English.

Weihenstephaner Vitus (Weizenbock)

My first thoughts on this brew were how totally and unbeleveably hop driven this beer is. It's allmost to hoppy. I think the Vitus referes to 'vitamin' or some type of health beer. The health benifits of hops are not in dispute, but. The hop hit is HUGE.
As a beer:
The colour is a rich wheaty amber thats slightly clouded. A quality German head formed by the big medium speed bead is sustained through out. The nose is a floral and with an abundant boquet of fruits and flowers to numerous to mention. To taste, ah, to taste. Well it's some what of an oral assult for this poor old Celt. The hop flavor burst is like a grenade going off. There is some bitterness but it's mostly complicated fruits. The malts come later and are quite caramel for a krout beir, but are totally over ridden but the hops. A drinkable brew but with a recomendation for serving that differs from the recomended suggestions.
Serve in a English pint glass not the brandy balloon, and chill it to somewhere around 4-6C not the 7-9C as listed on the back lable.

Hoegaarden Grand Cru
In order to progress through the beer spectrum, one has to balance things out abit.
The Grand Cru fermentation is revered the world over and is regarded as one of the finest beers ever made. Hoegaarden go to great lengths to ensure people can enjoy their beir as it is ment to be. In order to serve the Grand Cru, premises are requied to meet several critera. These include, the right way of cleaning the glass, the correct use of a spatula to scrape the head, the use of a unique and specific glass.... So on, and so on. Only after these strict critera have been meet do the Hogaarden brewery grant access to the hallowed keg key. This key is unique to the Grand Cru keg. This is to insure that non accredeted premises are unable to serve the Grand Cru.
Hows that! AA+ for effort...
The beer turns out like this:
The colour is clasic golden wheat. A head is formed by a high quality,fine,numerous,slow speed bead. The result is a very foamy fine head that remains to the last drop. The nose is quiet well balanced, with the distinction that the malts permiate first, hops arive late and exhibit citrus, fresh grass, and jasmin tones. For taste, some how the master crafts men have managed to reverse the order of flavors customary to all other beers. That is the malts arive before the hops. It really is a five count untill you get a decent idea of the hops, then they just keep on comming untill they've mirrored the strengh and fade out of the malt. Grand Cru defenently fits into the miracle beer catagory. It's so good as to be almost without fault. One of my all time favourates.


Innis & Gunn original

To painfully over simplify things it could be said: German beers favor the hops, English beers favor the malts.

This is where we arive at the other end of the beer spectrum.

Innis & Gunn original is by far and away the most malty beer I have ever tasted! Try this one: Take an old fashion toffie, a blade of grass, and two drops of lemon juice. Gob the lot and there you have it. Innis & Gunn original. It really tastes like that. But in the intrest of fairness I'll do the breakdown thingy...

Beautiful in color being that of golden honey. The head is slim but sustained, haveing formed as a result of a small, fine, and slow bead. The aroma on the nose is built from a base of toffie, dark honey, golden sryip and roasted barley. The hops play a backround roll and provide a faint grassy taste. An ambitious and prodigus lingering after taste of golden toffie, darkend honey, and roasted nut, combine to leave a sweet, oh so sweet finish.
This beer comes highly recomended. But only in the rareified group of beers reserved for serving with dessert....Yes, a dessert beer!

Gum Gum Marinara. (Brock style)

Hello all.
Tonight we are talking gummy shark, and what to do with a shit load of it.
Ofcourse we're all familiar with the problem of going down the coast and hawling in a 3 meter long shark, and just how much meat there is on the bugger!
So we get it all home, dish some out to friends and family, have a huge feed of flake, and there's still slabs of it left over. We know how I have a thing about next day fish. To get around this some, I recon you can't go wrong with useing it in a marinara.
I'm not guna do the recipe thingy. But rich tomato, garlic, and parsley flavors go a long way to disguising the fact that the fish isn't prefctly fresh. If you don't know how to do a marinara. It's easy, go look it up.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Goosey Scanpan

What an egg..
Brock: 'How big do you think the chook was that layed this egg'?
Ivy: 'Was really, really big one daddy'!

The latest knife acquisition is a ceramic job from kitchen ware brand "Scanpan".

I bought this one for my wife. I think she will like it. It's very light, and will stay very sharp. The blade is made from a material known as zirconium dioxide. As a knife it is both good and bad. The hardness is allmost off the Rockwell scale, somewhere around 650 if you can beleive that. A super high quality Japanise damascus knife comes in at around 65 RHC. So it's about 10 times as hard as what is considered a bloody tough knife. The draw back, and it's a biggy, is a very brittle blade. If you drop it, there's no 'thunk' as it sticks into the floor boards. It's a smash as it shatters into a thousand peices. Also, blades this brittle can't handle a fine pointed tip, so they are a bit half arsed at the pointy end. But as far as edge retention goes, zirconium just keeps on going, and going, and going.
Hope you like it Juzzy.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Steaky Wakey

The amount of space given to cooking steak within this blog is way over the top. Re: High steaks posting. I'll spare you the punishing writen assault.
Before cooking, finley chop fresh sage, generously season, and roll the edges of the meat to coat.
Spring has well and truely sprung round my way. Cold mornings, warm days. Mushy have gone, but herbs are in, so is lamb. So when I'm out and about is looks abit like this. Misty but sunny, f-ing cold yet warm in the sun.