Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Country Bumkin Beef Pie

In regards to the comment left on this posting:
I can only conclude from the idiosyncratic grammatical nuances, that the author of the said posting is indeed my good friend, that we will call for the sake of privacy, 'A'.../....../.....
Hello 'A'. thanks for leaving a comment.
In responce to your question. Why don't I have more non meat recipes on my blog? I can say this:
Bloody (Non meat blood) oath. Your right. I should have more vegaterian meals listed on my blog. I mean the fat found in meat is a cheats way to add depth, texture, and flavor to a meal. If I was worth my salt as a home cook, I would try to find ways of extracting, depth, texture, and flavor out of vegtables alone.
However in the last Austrialian census. It was disclosed that 2.78% of people surveyed said that they were vegatarian only. The total percentage of my postings that are not only vegaterian, but vegan aswell, stands at 3.20%. Thus I can say that my blog exceeds the demographic requirement for vegetarian meals. In saying that. Offensive as I may be. You can rest assured.
Know this: Any vegaterian meal contributed in the comments section will be prepeared to the letter, and posted here for all to see. With full credit to the postee. Thanks for reading my blog/...... Later, 'B'.
PS: The correct spelling of the word idiosyncratic, was provided by my wife. All other spelling mistakes are intirely my fault.
PSS: The pictured beer is not vegaterian. Colagen was used as a finning agent. I must say that I am very much against such additives. If one was to make a good beer in the first place. It would not need such things. But I did buy the pictured beer from Ikea. What else should I expect?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

brock, i'm not going to leave a comment until you cook something vegetarian...wait a sec...i just did...damn!