Saturday, January 13, 2007

Fillet of Lamb & Stuffed Mushrooms.

Sub Blogers? Tonight I got a full 12 point fillet of lamb, (Organic & Biodynamic). With extra large and fully matured Portabello mushrooms. The lamb was bound with fresh spriggs of rosemary. The mushrooms were lightly smoked. The resulting flavors are robust and well structured. Although this meal doesn't take long to prepear and cook, all of the ingredence must be of the highest quality. As with any dish that only a few ingredence, all of them should combine to form an overall taste, yet each one should be seperate, to be tasted apart from one another. As such, substandard ingredence will stand out like a dogs balls. So by now your thinking. 'How can I afford it?". Easy, the listed ingredence will serve 3. The total cost was $29. 10 bucks a head for wicked gourmet ingredence, and a top meal to boot. Not bad!

1 comment:

Shara said...

I am fasting right now, so... stupidly I decided to look at your blog! My mouth is really watering! All your food usually looks awesome.. but it's extra special today! Those mushies look amazing! I reckon I can almost smell them!