Tuesday, December 12, 2006

100 Blogs!

Holey shit. I got to 100 blog enteries. For some reason, in the 'Blogerverse' . It is considered good form to list a few things about oneself. 100 things actually. One for each blog entry. Not being the type to back away from traditional traditions, I will attempt my one hundered list. No doubt, shit a house interpretation. Yes I did mean to shit a house.

1. I've posted 100 blogs.
2. I love my wife and kid very much.
3. I love food 100% of the time.
4. My boss is a wanker.
5. I am in love with my knives.
6. I think about my knives when I'm not useing them.
7. I meditate when I sharpen my knifes.
8. I own 3 different steels, a 2 sided stone, and a razor strop. (Keeps my knifes sharp).
9. I don't like it when other people look at, or handle my knifes.
10. I think organic, and free range, always taste better than. Pesticide, and cage
bread animals.
11. If you can make it from scratch. It will allways taste better than pre- processed shite.
12. I like to grow my own herbs. You can't get fresher than picked 10 seconds ago. Plus there free...
13. Is the day in December that my sister has her birthday.
14. I still remenber the day my butcher retired, and took with him the best 4kg rump steaks the world has ever seen.
15. I love to make my wife great cups of tea ;-)
16. My wife loves to let me sleep in on weekends.
17. 15 is only to because I love my wife and because she loves me. 16 never happens.

1 comment:

Shara said...

hey! Where's the other 88 tidbits of informations about you?