Monday, December 18, 2006

High steaks (Tuna)

Last blog I had a comment asking for a way to cook tuna steaks. (Hi Steff). Southern ocean tuna Has been found to be mercury free. As such, I feel I can talk up the benifits of oily fish. Holey shit this stuff is good. If you want to avoid heart, kidney, liver, blader, what ever desease, eat mercury free tuna. The sheer number of disorders prevented or treated by the consumtion of 'Omaga-3 fatty acids' is bloody huge. No need to list them here, just Google "Omega-3" and see for yourself....
Ok. Now you know how good tuna is. Lets get to the really good bits: I'll start by saying this. People liveing in Japan live longer and with better health than so called western people. Why? More fish! But more importantly, more fatty fish. In the west, people see fat as being unhealthy. True, when it comes from pork, beef, or lamb, it is. Eat the fatty tuna though, you'll live to be 100 and never need glasses. In Japan the highest quality tuna is regarded as being the fattyest cuts. All the left overs, or the fat free cuts, are shiped over to us. The highest concentration of Omaga fatty acids in tuna are located within the fatty tissue.
But what I realy wanted to get at was: What are the best cuts of tuna? I will cut straight to the point here. (Get it. Cut...Ha, Ha) No, really. The best cut of tuna is off the cheek. Yes the face cheek. So many people discard the head as waste. But this is where the best meat is found. Also, the fattyest fat, (Remember Omega-3) is found around the, wait for it, yes,.... The 'Eye'.... I know that the average westen person will find the thought of eating a fish eye disgusting. But don't knock it untill you've tryed it. May I suggest grilled over hot coles with salt and peper....
But thats not what I'm here for tonight. The question was about tuna steak. The following is a healthy, but tasty meathod. I should add that the following is my perfered meathod for serving oily fish steak.
250g wild caught tuna steak. Tail section.
Plain flour, salt falkes, and cracked peper,. to dust.
Olive oil to fry. Has to be high quality.
Wedge of lemmon. As garnish.
This is very easy. Dust lightly with flour. Cook on a lightly oiled non stick pan. Don't over cook tuna, if you do it will be dry and horrible. If you've got the pan tempreture just right, you should end up with a very thin golden crust formed by the flour. Crack a bit of salt and peper over the top. Give it a twist of lemon, and your done. ....B

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HI Brock

We thought to invite to guys over for dinner on the 30 th , the Saturday and if you have time we would be delighted to have you guys. Just write me on my email:

Have a great weekend

Bye Seb and Steff