Saturday, October 14, 2006


Herb superb!!!

So often I crap on about the importance of fresh herbs. Yes, dryed herbs are avalible at the supermarket. Even so called fresh herbs can now be bought in the fruit and veg department.

What is shown in the above photo, would cost about $50 to buy. Only a moron would pay that price for something thats a few days old, and is doused in chemicals. I got these herbs for free! Super fresh. Guess how? They were grown in my sisters back yard. They were given no special treatment. They just grew. No fuss. No bother. Very little space, and no pesticides needed. But the best bit of all, just open the back door, pick what you need, enjoy the freshest herbs possible, for free.

Now I've said my peice. It's your turn. Get up tomorrow morning, go to the markets or where ever. Buy all the herb seedlings that you normally use in day to day cooking. Bung em in the garden, or in a pot if your like me. Give it a month, and with regular watering you can enjoy the wonderful flavors of fresh herbs yourself. Free and organicly good ofcourse.






Thanks sis for all the goodness...

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