Monday, August 28, 2006

Water Chest Nut Salad

Sup bloggers. Today I've got a salad recipe for your enjoyment. Vegan, guluten free, organic. Save the whales man....
Ingredients Salad:
1 tin of whole water chest nuts.
250g grape tomatoes.
1 red capsicum.
Salad leaves.
1 small red onion.
Ingredients Dressing:
Juice 1/2 lemon.
1 tbl spoon balsamic vinagar.
1/2 tea spoon fish sauce.
1 tbl spoon olive oil.
Pepper & salt to taste.

Very finely dice red onion, add to salad bowl. Now add washed and dryed salad leaves. Next throw over roughly choped red capiscum. Cut in half the grape tomatoes and water chest nuts, and sprinkle over the top. Prepare the dressing just before serving. Pour over salad as you serve. Toss as soon as the dressing is added. This is because the water chest nuts will soak up the dressing and become over marinated.
Works well with lighter flavors. Great with steamed fish, poached chicken. This salad is an excellent example of Euro/ Asian fusion. As such can work well with modern Australian cuisine...

Also; Check out the tart recipe left in the comments of the "Tart Of Erin" posting. Thanks Shara. Delish. (For real. Try it. Realy very good).

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